Huntington Rear-End Accident Attorney

Rear-end vehicle accidents occur regularly in and around Huntington, and they often leave victims with extensive medical bills and property damage expenses. At Tiano O’Dell, our team is here to help if you need a Huntington rear-end accident attorney to help you get through the insurance settlement process.

We have a track record of success handling complex injury claims throughout West Virginia, and we have the resources necessary to handle every aspect of your situation. Let us investigate in case, determine liability, and help you secure maximum compensation for your losses.

Choose Tiano O’Dell for Your Rear-End Accident Attorney

  • Our Huntington personal injury lawyers at Tiano O’Dell believe in providing a client-centered approach to every case. This means that we focus on listening to the goals and needs of every client so we can formulate the best path moving forward.
  • We perform at our peak on every case that we take because we believe that every client deserves a vigorous advocate against insurance carriers and at-fault parties.
  • We take Huntington rear-end accident cases on a contingency fee basis, which means that we will not charge any legal fees until after we recover the compensation our clients need.

Common Causes of Rear-End Accident in Huntington

Rear-end accidents are not uncommon, and they have a variety of causes throughout Huntington and West Virginia. Typically, these incidents will be the fault of the rear driver. Some of the most common causes of rear-end accidents include:

  • Following another driver too closely
  • Drivers impaired by alcohol or drugs
  • Operating a vehicle while distracted
  • Faulty or poorly maintained brakes
  • Failure to adjust speed to weather conditions

Rear-end accidents involving larger trucks can be devastating and lead to catastrophic or fatal accidents. Large commercial trucks can weigh up to 80,000 pounds, and they require much more time and space to slow down.

Rear-End Accident Can Lead to Setbacks for Victims

Victims who sustain rear-end accident injuries can suffer from significant physical and financial setbacks. It is not uncommon for rear-end accident victims to sustain the following types of injuries:

  • Whiplash
  • Open head injuries
  • Traumatic brain injuries
  • Spinal cord trauma
  • Various musculoskeletal injuries
  • Internal organ damage or internal bleeding

Victims who sustain these injuries will likely need to undergo various types of medical treatment in order to make a full recovery. They may not be able to work while they recover, and they may even suffer from lasting disabilities that prevent them from working at all.

Rear-end accident victims should be able to recover a range of types of compensation, including:

  • Full coverage of medical bills caused by the crash
  • Wage replacement in the event they cannot work
  • Property damage expenses to repair or replace a vehicle
  • Pain and suffering damages
  • Loss of enjoyment of life damages

Contact a Huntington Rear-End Accident Attorney Today

If you or somebody you love has been injured in a rear-end accident in Huntington, West Virginia, let our team get to work helping you secure compensation for your losses today. At Tiano O’Dell, we regularly help clients in West Virginia handle complex personal injury claims. We will use our resources to fully investigate your case, gather the evidence to prove what happened, and negotiate with aggressive insurance carriers to help you recover total compensation for your losses. When you need a Huntington rear-end accident attorney, you can contact us for a free consultation by clicking here or by calling us at (304) 720-6700.