What to Do if You are in an Out of State Car Accident

When you get in your vehicle for a trip out of state, the last thing on your mind is that you may be involved in an accident. However, West Virginia residents get into accidents in other states all the time, just like how residents from other states get into accidents while in West Virginia. Here, we want to address concerns that you may have about how your insurance will work if you are involved in an accident while driving outside of the state of West Virginia.

Does Your Insurance Cover out of State Accidents?

The good news is that any West Virginia driver who is legally insured in this state will be legally insured in any other state they drive in. It does not matter whether the insurance minimums or requirements differ in other states. Drivers who are insured in one state will be insured in another state. It would be rather silly if every driver had to change their insurance policy before they crossed state lines.

In West Virginia, drivers are required to obtain and carry the following insurance types and minimums:

  • Bodily injury liability: $25,000 per person and $50,000 per accident
  • Property damage liability: $25,000 per accident
  • Uninsured motorist bodily injury: $25,000 per person and $50,000 per accident
  • Uninsured motorist property damage: $25,000 per accident

How Will the Insurance Claim Work?

In general, a vehicle accident claim in another state will be handled just like an accident claim in West Virginia. It is recommended that drivers report the incident to their insurance carrier as soon as possible after the crash occurs so that the claim can get started. Drivers do not need to go into significant detail with the insurance carrier when they first report the incident. It is strongly recommended that you consider contacting an attorney to help with your case.

The major difference between a vehicle accident that occurs outside of West Virginia from a crash that occurs in WV is the complexity of obtaining medical care as well as not having a vehicle when you are so far away from home.

What if It is a No-Fault State?

There are around a dozen states in this country that are considered “no-fault” accident states. In these states, drivers will turn to their own insurance carrier for most types of coverage regardless of which party was at fault. West Virginia is not a no-fault state, but West Virginia drivers will still have coverage if they go to these states. When a driver from a fault-based accident state drives to a no-fault state, their insurance will automatically default to the insurance coverage required in that state.

West Virginia drivers will be covered by their own insurance carrier in the event they are involved in a crash in a no-fault state, pursuant to the laws of that jurisdiction. There are various exceptions when the at-fault driver may be responsible for paying compensation, particularly if the accident resulted in a certain dollar amount of damage or a catastrophic injury.

Where to Seek Legal Help for a Car Accident

If you or somebody you care about has been involved in a vehicle accident out of state, seek legal assistance from Tiano O’Dell today. Our team has the resources and experience to help West Virginia residents who have been involved in an accident out of state as well as out of state residents who have been involved in an accident in West Virginia. Our goal is to help ensure that you receive fair compensation for your losses. Need a West Virginia car accident lawyer? Contact our office today to schedule your free consultation.