Craniosynostosis Lawsuits | West Virginia | Pennsylvania | Maryland

If your baby or child was diagnosed or treated for Craniosynostosis by  a WVU pediatric neurosurgeon anytime between 2013 and 2021, please contact the lawyers at Tiano O’Dell, PLLC, to see if we may be able to help.

Our attorneys are currently investigating claims that craniosynostosis patients may not have received treatment that meets the acceptable standard of care in West Virginia, Pennsylvania, or Maryland.

Call (681) 245-6805 for a free, no-obligation consultation. One of our attorneys will listen to your child’s story, thoroughly explain your options, and – if you decide to hire us – work tirelessly on behalf of your family.

What is Craniosynostosis?

Craniosynostosis is a birth defect in which the bones in a baby’s skull join or “fuse” together too early. The spaces between a typical baby’s skull bones are filled with flexible material called “sutures.” These flexible sutures allow the baby’s skull to grow as the baby’s brain grows. When the “sutures” close too early before the baby’s brain is fully formed, timely diagnosis and treatment of Craniosynostosis are important so the baby’s brain can grow normally.

Commonly, this condition can be diagnosed with a physical examination at birth or shortly after. However, additional exams and tests are often used to confirm the diagnosis as craniosynostosis as well as the extent of the condition. These can include:

  • Further physical examination by specialists in synostosis (the fusion of two or more bones to form a single bone)
  • Imaging tests including CT scans
  • Genetic testing

As the baby’s brain grows in untreated Craniosynostosis, the skull can become more misshapen, and brain-damaging pressure builds inside the skull when doctors don’t diagnose and treat it early.

Typically, craniosynostosis involves the fusion of one cranial suture prematurely. However, it can be complex and involve multiple sutures along the baby’s skull. The exact shape of the baby’s skull depends on which sutures prematurely close and growth occurs in the other direction to make room for brain growth.

There are several different types of craniosynostosis, including:

  • Sagittal synostosis – Fusion of sutures along the top of the skull is the most common type of craniosynostosis and is known as sagittal synostosis.
  • Coronal synostosis – When a suture or sutures fuse on the side of the head, it is referred to as coronal synostosis. Bicoronal synostosis occurs with both sides of the head fuse.
  • Metopic synostosis – Metopic synostosis occurs before birth when the suture at the center of the forehead fuses.
  • Lambdoid synostosis – Though rare, Lombdoid synostosis occurs when one or both rear sutures fuse.
  • How is Craniosynostosis Treated?

Regardless of where it occurs or whether the craniosynostosis is simple or complex, most cases require a surgical procedure to allow for normal cranial development and to avoid brain damage. Surgery can help to prevent or reduce pressure in the skull, correct facial and cranial deformation, and create room for the brain to grow and develop normally.

The timing and type of surgery may depend on specific circumstances and presentation of the patient’s craniosynostosis, but corrective and timely treatment is vital to avoid permanent disfigurement and brain injury. If a child is treated early and correctly, they should grow and develop normally. If treatment is delayed or performed incorrectly, it may impact a child for the rest of their lives.

Why Should I Speak with An Attorney?

If your child did not receive the treatment they needed in a timely manner, they may have suffered injuries that affect them for the rest of their lives. If they suffered these injuries as a result of medical negligence, we believe that those responsible must be held accountable for two important reasons.

  • First, you and your family receive financial compensation so your child can get the medical treatment they need.
  • Second, the errors or negligence that led to the injury is corrected, so that it doesn’t happen to more families.

At Tiano O’Dell, we are here for families affected by craniosynostosis.  If your child was treated for the condition by a WVU pediatric neurosurgeon at any point between 2013 and 2021, please contact Tiano O’Dell, PLLC at (681) 245-6805, to see if we may be able to help.  Your child deserves justice and we are prepared to fight on their behalf.