Whether you’re traveling for vacation, taking a cruise to see the changing leaves, or making your daily commute, it’s no secret that road work is prevalent in the fall.

Though road work may just seem like a time to sit in your car and wait (and wait and wait), it can also be a dangerous time for drivers and workers. In fact, over 4,000 deaths and roughly 200,000 injuries in West Virginia work zones have occurred in the past 5 years.

To keep yourself, other drivers and work zone employees safe, consider these tips.

Slow Down & Pay Attention

Many road work zones will have signals way before the actual work zone. These signs may indicate that drivers must slow down, switch lanes or come to a stop. So, it’s important to pay attention to road work signs and slow down when you are approaching a flagger or a designated work zone. Also, avoid distractions while driving; this includes cell phones, distracting passengers and other devices that may take your eyes off the road.

Keep Your Distance

To prevent rear-end accidents or other collisions, make sure to keep enough space between you and other vehicles on the road. Maintain extra space between your vehicle and the one in front of you at all times.

Work zones can sometimes limit the amount of the space on the road; however, be considerate of other drivers and make room.

Be Patient

To prevent delays in your travels, consider planning ahead by researching zone maps so you can avoid any areas with road work. If you do happen to unexpectedly get into a line of road work, be patient and understand workers are just doing their job. There may be opportunities for you to turn around away from the work zone but do so in a safe manner.

Other tips to consider:

  • Don’t tailgate
  • Watch the brake lights of the vehicle ahead of you; be prepared to react
  • Always obey the posted speed limit
  • Expect the unexpected
    – Workers, work vehicles, or equipment may enter your lane without warning
    – Other vehicles may slow, stop, or change lanes unexpectedly

If you or a loved one have been injured in a work zone, the West Virginia car accident lawyers at Tiano O’Dell, PLLC can help you determine if you have a case. Schedule your complimentary consultation today.