Clarksburg, WV Truck Accident Attorney

18-wheelers and other large commercial trucks can weigh up to 80,000 pounds or more. Because of their massive size and weight, severe injuries and fatalities are common when truck accidents happen. Commercial truck owners and operators have a duty to comply with federal and state trucking regulations, and any violations present a threat to the health and safety of everyone else on the road.

Attorneys at Tiano O’Dell, PLLC, have a reputation for successfully representing those who have been injured or lost loved ones in truck accidents. We have the knowledge and resources it takes to pursue justice and compensation for our clients and to hold trucking companies, drivers, and truck manufacturers responsible for their negligent and reckless conduct. Contact our office to speak with a member of our truck accident team today.

Truck Accident Practice

  • As our attorneys know, truck accidents are not like regular automobile accidents. There are unique laws that apply to the trucking industry. Our attorneys know these laws and how to conduct an investigation to find evidence of violations that can help prove your claim against all responsible parties.
  • Our law firm is dedicated to helping members of our community who have been injured in accidents caused by someone else. Our West Virginia personal injury attorneys are compassionate legal advocates who aggressively pursue maximum compensation for our clients. You should not have to pay for the injuries and damages you have sustained as a result of someone else’s misconduct.
  • We are recognized by our peers, judges, and members of the community as hardworking attorneys with a record of success at the negotiating table and in the courtroom. Our attorneys have received awards and designations for our high-quality representation and legal advocacy.

Truck Accident Investigation

Truck accident injury claims require a thorough investigation to determine how and why the accident happened and whether or not the defendant was in compliance with applicable rules and regulations at the time of the accident. Evidence of regulation violations can be used to show that the defendant was negligent. An experienced truck accident attorney will use the investigation to recover important evidence, such as black box records, driving logs, and vehicle maintenance records.

Comparative Fault Law

West Virginia is a comparative fault state, which means that even if you were partially responsible for the accident, you are not necessarily barred from recovering compensation for your accident. For example, suppose your truck accident injuries and damages were valued at $100,000, and you were determined to be 30% at fault for the accident. You could still recover compensation for your losses from the defendant who was 70% responsible for the accident. Your total injuries and damages would be reduced by 30% (your percentage of responsibility), and you would receive $70,000 in compensation.

Contact a Clarksburg West Virginia Truck Accident Attorney

If you have been injured or lost a loved one in a truck accident, the attorneys at Tiano O’Dell, PLLC, will meet with you for a free consultation and case evaluation. We understand how important a financial recovery is to you and your family. We will do everything we can to help you succeed in your claim against all responsible parties. Contact our office today at (304) 720-6700 speak with a member of our truck accident team today.